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Apple's 1984 Ad Reflection

Apple's 1984 Ad Reflection

Q On January 22,1984, Apple produced one of the most famous Super Bowl ads of all time. Directed by Ridley Scott, (Blade Runner, Alien) it was one of the most expensive as well, believed to cost nearly $1 million for the 45 second ad. Watch the video above or use this link (Links to an external site.) to view it. Then write a brief reflection paper by directly addressing the following questions: 1. What was the primary message that Apple was trying to convey in this advertisement? 2. Do you think the ad is effective in conveying the message you indicated in question one? 3. How does this image of Apple differ from the Apple you see today? Be as specific as possible. 4. Does this advertisement hold up today? Do you think it would still be an effective ad if it aired during the next Super Bowl? If not, what has changed? Be as specific as possible. 5. This is a personal reflection, so it is more about your own perceptions than giving a correct answer out of the lesson. However, you were reminded that it is important that you address the above for questions directly to do well on this assignment. Rubric Reflection Rubric Reflection Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent 10 pts Meets or Exceeds Expectations: Thoughtful and insightful reflection that meets the criteria outlined. Writer provides valuable insights drawn from lesson content and textbook readings and balances with an honest personal opinion, supported by examples. 7 pts Good Addresses all points and offers some reflection. Writer provides some insights from lesson content and textbook readings or may explain their own opinion without a lot of support. 4 pts Needs Improvement: Writer is confused or misinformed. Not all points are addressed or supported. Little to no opinion may be offered or supported. Essay may not be cohesive. Content does not match with assignment topic. 0 pts Incomplete: Assignment was not submitted. 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization 5 pts Meets Expectations: Ideas arranged logically, flow smoothly and are clearly linked. Reader can follow reasoning. 3 pts Below Expectations: Writing is not logical and ideas sometime fails to make sense. Reader struggles to figure out meaning and context of reflection. 0 pts Incomplete: Assignment was not submitted. 5 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStyle and Mechanics 5 pts Meets Expectations: Writing is free or almost free of errors. Few or no APA errors are made (if applicable). Introduction and conclusion are present 3 pts Below Expectations: Occasional writing errors, which distracts the reader. Some errors with APA formatting (if applicable). Introduction or conclusion are present. 0 pts Incomplete: Assignment was not submitted. 5 pts Total Points: 20 PreviousNext

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The primary message that Apple was trying to convey through this advertisement was that it was coming up with a new Operating System (OS), which was called Macintosh, and after this traditional rules will no more rule and there will be a newer environment. This is a type of advocacy advertisement by Apple that concentrated on influencing people enough to stand against a fast environment and targeted those who wanted change in their system. The advertisement spread as an excitement for the audience who knew after this something new was coming for them and kept them waiting desperately (1984 Apple's Macintosh Commercial (HD), 2012). Apple was competing with IBM who was its competitor at that point of time with huge market share but was run on traditional programs systems but Apple was coming out with a new system that did not use any traditional programs like IBM.